Welcome home.
Years ago, as we both ventured out of the Seattle rain to warm ourselves, my sister asked me if I ever missed California. I couldn't help but say, "yes." There were days, we agreed, when we wanted to be hot down to our bones and California offered this. Years of swim team, beaches, flat surfaces for riding bikes and sun were all fond memories. Here I was, back in Southern California and ready to be hot to the bone.
First stop, The Getty. I remember reading something about the architect, Richard Meier. His favorite color was white. Child one liked the color blue and child two liked the color green. Richard Meier liked to capture these colors in their simplest forms. His buildings were kept white and photographed with simple gardens of green grass and blue sky. Each picture of these beautifully designed buildings united father and children. I love that! While I've only captured two colors, the cactus garden on the grounds captured the third.